Wednesday, November 12, 2008

What Michelle Can Teach Us

Forget Claire Huxtable.

She could be a real-life role model for black women.
Allison Samuels

NEWSWEEKFrom the magazine issue dated Nov 10, 2008

Throughout this long, tense election, everyone has focused on the presidential candidates and how they'll change America. Rightly so. But selfishly, I'm more fascinated by Michelle Obama and what she might be able to do, not just for this country, but for me as an African-American woman. As the potential First Lady, she would have the world's attention. And that means that for the first time people will have a chance to get up close and personal with the type of African-American woman they so rarely see.

Usually, the lives of black women go largely unexamined. The prevailing theory seems to be that we're all hot-tempered single mothers who can't keep a man and, according to CNN's "Black in America," documentary, those of us who aren't street-walking crack addicts are on the verge of dying from AIDS.
As writer Rebecca Walker put it on her Facebook page: "CNN should call me next time they really want to show diversity and meet real black women that nobody seems to talk about.''
Like Walker, I too know more than my share of black women who have little in common with the black female images I see in the media. My "sistafriends" are mostly college educated, in healthy, productive relationships and have a major aversion to sassy one-liners. They are teachers, doctors and business owners. Of course, there are those of us who never get the chance to pull it together. And we accept and embrace them—but their stories can't and shouldn't be the only ones told.

Yet pop culture continues to hold a very unevolved view of African-American women. Take HBO's new vampire saga "True Blood." Even in the world of make-believe, black women still can't escape the stereotype of being neck-swirling, eye-rolling, oversexed females raised by our never-married, alcoholic mothers.
Where is Claire Huxtable when you need her?
These images have helped define the way all black women are viewed, including Michelle Obama. Before she ever gets the chance to commit to a cause, charity or foundation as First Lady, her most urgent and perhaps most complicated duty may be simply to be herself.

It won't be easy. Since her emergence on the national scene, Obama has been deemed radical, divisive and the adjective that no modern-day black woman can live without: angry. Thankfully, so far, she's endured these demeaning accusations with a smile and shrug—at least in public. But if she does end up in the White House, continuing to dial back her straightforward, vibrant personality isn't the answer. In the same way that Eleanor Roosevelt, Jackie Kennedy and Hillary Clinton each redefined what it meant to be First Lady, Michelle will forge her own path. Not only will she draw the usual criticisms, but she'll be open to some new ones too.
I eagerly await the public reaction if Sasha and Malia ever sport cornrows or afro puffs on the South Lawn. And if Michelle decides to champion a program that benefits black youth, will her critics slam her for being too parochial?
To be fair, Hillary Clinton's early involvement in her husband's administration (think health-care reform) brought a major backlash. But there's no real evidence of Michelle Obama's desire to be a huge presence in her husband's potential administration. Besides helping military families, we don't even have many clues about what projects she might tackle.

Whatever she does, I hope she doesn't fall victim to critics with little point of reference. Take this month's issue of Town and Country magazine. An article—written by a white female reporter—offers advice to both potential First Ladies. The writer suggests Cindy McCain let her "personality and experience shine" and motivate others to give back.

For Michelle, the writer suggests that she avoid "popping off when your guard is down" and to be careful "about how, when and if she injects her ethnicity … into her platform as First Lady."
The underlying message is that the last thing anyone needs to be reminded of is that Michelle Obama is all black, unlike her husband, who is mixed—as the writer points out for seemingly no reason.
And that speaks to the larger issue that Michelle Obama could pose for the media.
Because few mainstream publications have done in-depth features on regular African American women (and no, Halle Berry, Oprah and Beyoncé don't count), little is known about who we are, what we think and what we face on a regular basis. For better or worse, Michelle will become a stand-in for us all.

Just as she will have her critics, she will also have millions of adoring fans who usually have little interest in the First Lady. African-American blogs such as Sisterlicious, Black Girls Rock and That Black Girl Group have all written about what they'd like to see Michelle bring to the White House—mainly showing the world that a black woman can support her man and raise a strong black family. As contributor Felicia Jones wrote on one blog, "Michelle Obama will be the hero my little girls have been looking for. The hero doesn't have to shake her booty or point her finger to get noticed and respected. My little girls finally have a role model."
Michelle will have to work to please everyone—an impossible task. But for many African-American women like me, just a little of her poise, confidence and intellect will go a long way in changing an image that's been around for far too long.

Thursday, October 30, 2008

LONDON Bridges gone BE fallin down....

I am leaving for London tomorrow @10am. It's a 10 hr flight from Dallas, so you know I am about to get my Nyquil game up!!! I am going for work, yet if you know me, then you know I will find time to crack a lil bit!! Cause that's how I do!!
There are too many Jamaicans in the area not to have an oxtail plate with a lil GingerPine and a Red Stripe and a CLASH or a SOUND!! Somewhere, DAYUM!! You know how they do!!!

Can you believe the police or the Bobbies, as they are called don't even carry a gun!! They have a whistle and a big ass hat! Now you and I both know if the Bobbies were here in the US, they would get the asses tapped, DAILY!!

But I guess that's just one of the things that differentiate use from them! We carry GUNS, Knives, Pepper Spray, Hammers with towels in the trunk (That's some whole otha shyt!!!)

And we are not even police officers!! ;0

See you when I get back,

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I ain't OPRAH, but here are a few thangs I Know Fa SHO!!!

1. We all have baggage. The question is: What baggage can you deal with?

2. Momma's baby, daddy's maybe. uuunnnhhhhuh

3. There is always sunshine after the rain, always.

4. Stupid is, as stupid does.

5. Don't let nobody tell you, You ain't all that. If they do tell them to kiss yo a@&!!!

6. It's almost income tax time, take half of that and put it up for a rainy day remember and remember line #4. You can be your own Sunshine.

7. Once released words are out there, so think before you speak

8. Make sure you do your dirt on you own, why we always need a damn witness!!??!? talk too much!!

9. Tight jeans just give you a MUFFIN TOP or a DUNLAP, so unless you plan on wearing them as legg warmers, please get THE RIGHT SIZE!!!

10. Never accept a check from my Auntie Pam, that's all I am going to say about dat!!!

11. There is a difference in being a Escort and just being a hoe that likes to CRUSH Alot!! like yo cousin TEE-TEE!! It ain't cute!

See, I feel betta already! Now what is it that you know FA SHO!!! Holla@ ME!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Jones Valley Brownies RULE!!!

I just got back from Charleston, SC but on my way back to Cali, I slid thru BHAM to attend the Magic City Classic!! I had so much damn fun!! I cracked off ERYNIGHT!! We also had a small class reunion and everybody looked so lovely.

I just thank God that so many people are doing well and were able to show up, yet there was a tinge of saddness, when I thought about a few of my classmates that wouldn't be able to be there. Tomorrow isn't promised, so treat folks, like you want to be treated!!

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

Lovely and Amazing....

People ask me all the time, hey girl how are you? and I always reply with, "I am lovely and amazing". Don't get me wrong, I have my days, but the good far outweighs the bad and I can't give the DEVIL that much credit!! God blesses me daily, waking me up with my sight, my breathe and with my heart beating strong.

I am Lovely and Amazing, not being conceited, those attributes don't even begin to express my present state of mind. I am blessed and loved and fulfilled and happy and healthy and a great mother and in a beautiful in my life, now I could go on and on, like Crazy Azz Erykah Badu!!

The mouth is a tool, when used properly can bring you whatever you put forth. Don't speak truth to what isn't!!!

You are your biggest advocate and you can also be your biggest critic!!

Take a moment and realize that you are a child of God!! You are blessed, and most of all, you are here!!

If no one else tells you then I am, you are Lovely and Amazing!!