Tuesday, October 28, 2008

I ain't OPRAH, but here are a few thangs I Know Fa SHO!!!

1. We all have baggage. The question is: What baggage can you deal with?

2. Momma's baby, daddy's maybe. uuunnnhhhhuh

3. There is always sunshine after the rain, always.

4. Stupid is, as stupid does.

5. Don't let nobody tell you, You ain't all that. If they do tell them to kiss yo a@&!!!

6. It's almost income tax time, take half of that and put it up for a rainy day remember and remember line #4. You can be your own Sunshine.

7. Once released words are out there, so think before you speak

8. Make sure you do your dirt on you own, why we always need a damn witness!!??!? talk too much!!

9. Tight jeans just give you a MUFFIN TOP or a DUNLAP, so unless you plan on wearing them as legg warmers, please get THE RIGHT SIZE!!!

10. Never accept a check from my Auntie Pam, that's all I am going to say about dat!!!

11. There is a difference in being a Escort and just being a hoe that likes to CRUSH Alot!! like yo cousin TEE-TEE!! It ain't cute!

See, I feel betta already! Now what is it that you know FA SHO!!! Holla@ ME!

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